
you are enigma

darkness and shadow
you veil and shroud

fire and light
you burn and incandesce

torch my essence
burn deep my soul
trouble my spirit
unsettle my being

then poet
ignite my wonder

whet my seeker’s vessel
with need
to be filled full

at once familiar
exotically foreign
wonderfully strange

wrongly boxed but
exquisitely wrapped

in angst

in love

with all these
and infinitely more
you reach an empty place
deep within

echoing my past
awakening my myths

that which I embrace
in the moment
as truth

refocus me

stirring my pain
my anger
my loneliness

my hope

offering just enough answer
that I combust with question
sacred uncertainty

I’m held
suspended in inquiry
in memories of neverwas

enrapt by your careful words
transfixed by mystery
elevated by insight
impaled by vision


Sweetest Taboo


S ucculent nectar of full plumped peach
laid bare engorged deliciousness
peeled open in promised sweet delight
ecstatic vision of tender flesh

tart sweet tingle at tip of tongue
such sweetness surely is taboo
my mouth thrills at the juicy pulp
my lips glisten sweetest nectar’s dew

breathing in the rich bouquet
all senses teased and tantalized
my mouth devours the dripping treat
again and again ‘til satisfied

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


Seductive Fantasy

…a stream of consciousness trip…


Soaring psychedelic
colors pierce my eyes
to bleed into my mind
pulsing into shapes
and melting forms
dancingly irregular
a brilliant cacophony
of fully beautiful discord
that flows in time displacement
blared breathing blending abstract

wow dude!
~~ drifting drifting ~~

so wondrous and magical
as to create a dreamspace
where reality steps away
to a seductive fantasy
that roils and broils
a seething serenade
of sounds and vision
a sanctified vibration

simply too gone!

joyful noise’d orblets
flaring and flashing
in hues and shades
in timbre’d cadences
they spark stiletto sharp
stabbing staccato’d stealthy
and again colors pierce my eyes
lovely rumblings fill full my ears
shifting spinning and floating
to journey a’new through
my beautiful bountiful
and utterly blown
mind garden


psssst! hey! you!
am I conscious man —
— or halluuucinating truuuth?

rob kistner © 2021

Day 1 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021

Perception’s Window

artwork by Jack Vettriano


Perception’s Window


we are infinite beings
awaking slowly
from some infinite place

our coming to be
unknown to us as any mystery
our essence an enigma

learned in stories
in waiting relationships
gradually we open to our identity

awareness dawns
like the rising of a newborn sun
breaking on our window of perception

we feel its warmth
and flow effortlessly into timelessness
as though immortal

we see not over the horizon
for we see no horizon
but limitless eternity

we comprehend no end
immersed only in the now
given of our origin

it is therein exists the miracle of life
we are infinite beings in this moment
dreaming to sustain the moment

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2012


  • inspired by the first day I met my wife in 1987…




    had she not appeared in that clearing
    so lost

    had she not crossed my threshold
    on that september day

    had not her voice
    drifted like silk on a summer breeze
    to wrap sheer and sweet
    around my heart

    had not I been drawn
    like a bloom to the morning sun

    had not I been captivated
    as a hummingbird
    by a drop of nectar
    crystal on a velvet petal

    had not my love come down
    soft as a rolling mountain meadow

    had not this dream been born

    had not my life begun again

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012

  • Drowning



    on the boulevard
    last night’s rain
    midst the chaos of metro-clutter
    as if abandoned
    by the waters of earth

    it shoulders its way
    through the culverts
    in search of mother sea

    this day begins golden and crisp
    bird songs echo empty sunrise streets

    lovers and their beloved
    sit by morning windows
    with tea
    and curiosity

    they talk

    in these moments
    their souls spill
    one into the other

    tender lips
    are sculpting sweet words

    but here in this quiet
    I drown in your eyes
    fallen into azure pools

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012

  • Click for bonus pleasure…

  • Rāgarāja’s Daughter


    Rāgarāja’s Daughter


    radiant vision silken skinned
    translucent alabaster blaze
    torrid as a teen’s temptation
    leaned low here before me yearning

    on plush cloud so sensuous
    sweet comely goddess forward bent
    graceful face aglow with craving
    you conjure ardor’s obsession

    a’bloom in beckoned fiery swoon
    forearms rest on pillow soft
    thoughts aflame in primal need
    lips burning smile a fetched seduction

    Rāgarāja’s daughter lush with Spring
    smoldering in golden light
    that folds upon you satin supple
    to bathe in warmth your arched desire

    divinely-pleasing luscious morsel
    served up by a master’s hand
    passion bound to tantalize
    to hypnotize my hungry eyes

    lost in carnal fantasy
    fired by this goddess buff
    arises now my animal
    in a beastly urgent lust

    to wrap ‘round
    this maiden magic
    flesh to flesh
    to full consume
    to thrust
    and thrust
    my randy lust
    ’til passion’s seed
    has turned to dust
    and wanton
    carnal flames
    are snuffed

    Spring’s sweet madness
    at last

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2012

    • linked at Magpie Tales





    that’s the thing about ruts
    the longer we remain bogged
    the harder it is to escape


    stopping is no option

    to lose the way
    is to keep going
    keep moving forward

    lest one be rutted in uncertainty
    rigid with the rigor of fear
    bogged down in despair

    stalled in hopelessness
    the giving in
    the giving up

    caught in anguish
    the rot that sets
    with the loss of wonder
    when grip lets go of dreams

    arthritic loss of faith
    debilitates the soul

    cripples the manifest light
    that shines forth
    at the leap into dark unknown
    into the sacred mystery

    frozen is the doubting man
    withered in a worried cage
    terrified of the wrong step
    of the journey all in
    of daring the way unmarked

    he bleeds out the color of life
    to become cold and grey

    a petrified husk
    of brittle remorse

    mired in regret
    for never having shone so brightly
    as to blind the eyes of death

    stopping is no option

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2011

    • linked at Magpie Tales

    Skye Fyre

    …written for Day #12, NaPoMo 2011…


    Skye Fyre


    the grand sunset gun
    hunter readies his grip
    as the great golden orb
    returns weary from his trip

    quicksilver moon
    embarks on her night’s course
    hunter fixes sharp eyes
    steady on the source

    gaia reaches gently
    into vast quiet space
    diamonds of stars
    gaia sparkles in place

    hunter locks the horizon
    solid in his sight
    his important grand task
    still remains on this night

    to set the late sky ablaze
    before he goes to sleep
    in patterns most bold
    in colors quite deep

    he aims his sunset gun
    and blasts overhead
    a riot of corals
    ambers oranges and red

    with a grand brilliant flash
    the heavens are afire
    in rich vivid hues
    burning hot with desire

    this dusk color festival
    has fully begun
    so hunter retires
    his job is well done
    but he first locks away
    his grand sunset gun

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 4/12/11


    …written for Day #11, NaPoMo 2011…




    we are infinite beings
    awaking slowly
    from some infinite place

    our coming to be
    unknown to us
    as any mystery

    learned in stories
    in waiting relationships
    we open to our identity

    our essence
    an enigma

    awareness dawns
    like the rising
    of a newborn sun

    we feel its warmth
    and flow effortlessly
    into timelessness

    we are as though

    we see not over the horizon
    because we see no horizon

    we comprehend no end
    immersed only
    in our beginning

    it is therein exists
    the miracle of life

    our infinity

    we are infinite beings
    in this moment
    to sustain the moment

    • • •

    rob kistner © 4.11.11

    Ship of Dreams

    …I have always loved the fantasy art of Dean Morrissey and James C. Christensen, and this week’s prompt at Writer’s Island put me in mind of their highly imaginative and captivating work, which in turn inspired the poem below, with its “tongue-in-cheek” ending…


    Ship of Dreams


    fantastic is this spell I’m under
    magic of a splendorous kind
    a world of cornucopic wonder
    treasure troves of dreams to plunder
    in this kingdom of my mind

    here I live a life enchanted
    here no fear of any threat
    sorrow is by joy supplanted
    no limit to desires granted
    what I want is what I get

    fantasy’s elaboration
    a god of pleasure I ascend
    soar in sweet hallucination
    in ships of my imagination
    oh, would this dream but never end


    well now, oh dear, that was a bit much
    somewhat carried away it seems
    euphoria finds me out of touch
    with reality, good sense, and such
    perhaps I’ll temper my daydreams

    throttle back my vision quest
    bring fascinations down to size
    moderation will serve me best
    but dreams are so hard to repress
    no limits when you fantasize

    • • •

    rob kistner © 3/26/11

    • written for Writer’s Island

    • art piece at top by Dean Morrissey


    …below is a sample of the fantasy art of James C. Christensen

    Young Flower


    Young Flower


    velvet soft
    passion’d purple
    newly bloomed flower

    full and succulent
    tender plumped folds
    glisten with dewy nectar

    heady fragrance
    pleasures the senses

    luscious form
    ripened blush
    delights the eye

    a gentle touch parts silken petals
    reveals the inner bud
    swollen with the urgency of life

    such vital beauty

    one savors slowly

    exquisitely delicious
    this young flower
    full bloomed

    • • •

    rob kistner © 3/14/11

    …written for Magpie Tales

    The Null

    The Null


    beyond presence
    beyond peerless
    beyond the vexing
    temporal fray

    like unto you
    there is no other
    and would it be
    no other way

    you are my yin
    and I your yang
    in balanced oneness
    we will stay

    and so it is
    until forever
    beyond even still
    the dying day

    even still
    the lightless coming

    even still
    all timeless void

    and when it spirals
    down to naught
    shall you endure
    yet undestroyed

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    Emerge In Grace

    …this tanka was inspired by prompt #26 at Writer’s Island,
    and by prompt #139 at One Single Impression


    Emerge In Grace


    go down in trial

    endure the tribulation

    emerge rapt in grace

    steeled by the tempering fire

    molten molded pure and strong

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    Emerald Eyes

    This poem is offered in response to prompt #25 for 2010 at Writer’s Island,
    also offered “off-topic” to the October 15th prompt at Big Tent Poetry.

    Emerald Eyes


    emerald eyes captivate
    fix me in their gaze
    lift me
    carry me
    to the realm of unfinished dreams

    they strip me of fear
    of inhibition
    to render me transparent

    I rise weightless
    unburdened of care
    an untethered being of pure moment
    soaring through universes within universes

    a traveler in time and space
    ever-expanding consciousness
    aware of all
    riding the strand continuum
    drawing it forward
    reeling it back
    slipping all temporal bounds

    a being of universal presence
    adrift in the infinite now
    lost in the mystery
    veiled in those emerald eyes

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010