


seek not the pompous
swelled with false confidence
dispensing the formulas of bliss
condemning you as the un-visioned
while fleecing you of your hard begotten

follow not the kings and queens of mammon
who worship the bottom line
desiring the upper hand
who would despoil the world and all it offers
as their playground of gratification

suffer not the priests and priestesses
who would say that only they have heard
and in so saying would dictate your thoughts
and direct your deeds
to conform to this truth of the god in their pocket

do not be cowered by the iron hand
of the bullet-brained who march in step
to crush under boot the will of any who will not queue
into the line that they have deemed
leads to the only way that life must be

do not be swayed by those who know
possessed of absolutely no uncertainty
knowing sure that what they know is what is
and in their infallible knowledge
know that what they know is was and will ever be

instead — gather with those who do not know
find the curious and the uncertain
those still filled with wonder
drawn to unfolding discovery
who embrace the constancy of learning, change, and growth

it is they who will traverse this evolving world
fashioned as a fair and better place

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

Over The Edge

This piece is offered in response to visual prompt Mag 33 at Magpie Tales seen at bottom of post,
also prompt 22 at Writer’s Island,
and prompt #135 at One Single Impression.

Over The Edge


From down there, down there,
it’s coming from down there.
From where — down there?
Yes Sis, I swear!

That horrible smell
that’s filling the air,
the one that’s most certainly
impossible to bear,
is coming from that women
with the massive blue hair
sitting alone on the patio chair,
on the deck of the house,
that’s below us — right there!

What a putrid aroma,
you’d think that she’d care.
There are simply some things
that one never should share,
like the stink that is rising
from that patio chair,
on the deck of the house
that’s below us down there.

And the hideous color
of that mountain of hair —
I can’t help it, can’t help it,
I can’t help but stare.

It’s a tangled and horrible monument to
a disgusting and eye-blinding
shade of bright blue —
and it’s causing a feeling of nausea too!

I must look away my heads starting to whirl,
and I feel that my toes are beginning to curl,
I fear over the edge here I’m going to hurl —
and I don’t want to do that in front of a girl.

Maybe I’m wrong
but I would assume,
if one’s going to bathe
in a noxious perfume,
they’d at least have the manners
to exhibit some pride,
and not foul the ozone,
instead — stay inside.

Not to be the forecaster
of gloom and of doom,
but keep the eco-disaster
contained to one room.

And if you’re chromatically challenged my friend,
consider the others that you might offend.
A monumentally grotesque rat’s nest of blue,
is not something I care to look at on you!

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

Mag 33

Final Sentinel


Final Sentinel


I watched
as generations
moved forward
as civilization
set foothold

I observed
the millenniums
of human endeavor
as they awakened
to self-reliance
less dependent
on hive mentality
mastering machines
eliminating conflict
striving for truth
ever evolving

I saw
the world

I stand tall
thrust skyward
closer to heaven
than any living thing
a perpetual presence
the constant sentinel
a witness to triumph

that all that
were true

I watched helplessly
as generations receded
as empires crumbled
greed ran rampant
wisdom ebbed

I observed
of human folly
misguided logic
flawed reasoning
as they flailed
to a cold


from one another
from the environment
serving their machines
serving their avarice
perfecting violence
racing to ruination
becoming aliens
in a mad eden

they were
no more

I watched through tears
as the natural world
slowly declined

toxic air
burnt terrain
to far horizons
and now I stand
thrusting skyward
in this decaying hell
praying for a heaven
the only living thing
the pitiful survivor
the final sentinel
time’s witness
to tragedy
the end

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2010
(revision © 2018)

  • Author’s Note: let’s strive to see part two never happens…


  • What Do You See

    Breakfast Lovers Fanatsy

    …I wrote this in response to the July 5th prompt at Big Tent Poetry


    Breakfast Lovers Fantasy


    whether panning for poached
    fishing for fried
    or sifting for softly scrambled

    maybe bobbing for boiled
    or sunny side up
    angling for over easy

    perhaps baiting a hook
    for benedict
    or dangling a lure for deviled

    be they baked in cakes
    or dropped in soup
    it’s a whites & yolks wet dream

    it’s a breakfast lovers fantasy
    going to the eggs stream

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    • manipulated photo entitled: “PanFish” — created by: rob kistner


    …I wrote this in response to the June 28th prompt at Big Tent Poetry
    and for prompt #59 at Carry On Tuesday




    he lifts himself quietly
    from beneath the sheets
    soiled with neglect

    makes his way carefully
    past the shallow-breathed crumple
    that lay milky-eyed in a heap
    un-moving on the floor
    save a twitch of the sodden head

    this wreckage is his mother

    why do you just lie there mother
    my head is full of demons son

    the response only imagined
    she remains slack and death-like
    where nocturne angels of sweet release
    had laid down lush upon her
    in fevered embrace
    lustfully conjured
    by last night’s spoon and lance
    still skewered silver in the soured vein

    mother — why do you want to die
    the return is only silence

    he lingers but a moment
    verifying life
    then moves on
    head down

    he angles to the bathroom
    to the scum-brown bowl
    to wash his face
    a face lit sallow by the yellowed bulb
    that hangs bare and lonely

    eyes of knowing
    eyes of sadness
    stare into the mirror
    broken as his heart
    then close

    your eyes hold a story my son
    will you tell me your story

    yes mother
    if you really want to hear about it
    if you really could

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    Extinction’s Shadow

    …these are rewrites of prior drafts, edited fresh for the June 21st prompt at Big Tent Poetry
    and strongly influenced by prompt #7 at We Write Poems

    Extinction’s Shadow


    smothered by big oil
    our blue planet is dying
    greed’s shadow falls hard


    future is mortgaged
    to petrochemical lust
    fatal addiction


    mankind is drowning
    in a flood of fossil fuel
    black tide of folly

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    • 3D color rendering at top entitled: “Too Long in the Shadow”
    by: rob kistner © 2008

    That Hollywood Sparkle

    …I wrote this in response to the June 14th prompt at Big Tent Poetry


    That Hollywood Sparkle


    it’s not so much we resent the hungry
    no more than do we despise the poor
    rather we avoid and dismiss them
    with the dull cough of apathy
    we find them disturbing and dangerous
    they disquiet our comfort

    we do not flow with the milk of kindness
    our part is more the dark brandy of denial
    we do however praise our stars
    for their sensitivity toward the downtrodden
    it makes the less fortunate more glamorous
    and we like the hollywood sparkle it imparts to tragedy

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    • In response to prompt #6 of the newly opened We Write Poems, I find arrogant, manipulative divas to be difficult to tolerate, or to understand…



    auburn mane with sable streaks
    frosted ermine — lush with pride
    a bounce and whip, and tiply snap
    with each stiletto’d wanton stride

    taught hips roll on slender stems
    that part in ripples then enmesh
    a brushing sigh of stirring heat
    toned thighs gliding flesh on flesh

    a stare of comely crystal blue
    floats above a ruby pout
    that takes you in devouring
    has its way, then casts you out

    tongue tip teases top lip’s edge
    like supple paintbrush flowing
    a smile to burn and hypnotize
    that wraps around you knowing

    luscious wench — worldly wise
    sleek as steel — tall and strong
    swift and cunning, motor running
    she might acquiesce, but not for long

    poor fool who tastes this lusciousness
    is hopelessly addicted
    there’s only one word for this life-force
    that word, my friend, is — wicked!

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    …I wrote this in response to the May 17th prompt at Big Tent Poetry




    I have fondled
    the fabric of fame

    and now you look
    for a pattern in my life
    a tincture in my clarity
    a glitch in my resolve

    you seek the proof
    that I will forsake decency
    doff this cloak of dignity
    don the garb of lechery

    but your search is futile
    no such precedent will you find

    my integrity will not crumple
    I will not capitulate
    not for weighty purse
    nor promised power

    there is nothing material
    can turn my heart from love

    • • •

    …the following is my insane wordle poem…

    Purse Department Sign


    never fondle
    or capitulate

    strange sign
    to be found
    in the purse department

    there is a glitch
    in the pattern of logic
    that no tincture
    of common sense
    can cure

    any comparison
    to sapient demeanor
    is futile

    so I doff my robes of reason
    and don the garb of lunacy

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    Oh Brother!

    Presented in response to the May 10th prompt from Big Tent Poetry, which suggested “be playful! Let the sound of the words carry the weight (of the poem)” — so here is my playful poem of sounds…



    Oh Brother!


    exploded in the quiet room
    followed by a couple loud sniffs

    cover your mouth
    I blurted in a whisper
    before I bonk you on the noggin

    he crackled with disdain
    clicked the snap on his backpack open
    and with a clunk and a clatter
    surprisingly retrieved a tissue pack
    from the cluttered contents
    looking at me like I was cuckoo

    he flicked one out
    as a second fluttered to the floor

    I growled my disapproval

    he just giggled
    honked his hooter
    and hissed defiantly
    jangling the keys
    he had also pulled out

    I knocked them from his hand
    back into his backpack
    and mumbled at him to hush up
    and settle down

    he murmured something unintelligible
    rattling his pack shut
    and plopping it back on the floor

    I shushed him again
    and started to slowly sizzle

    suddenly I hear slurping
    as he is sucking a soda
    through a straw
    splashing the liquid
    over the ice
    as he swirls and shakes his paper cup

    I snap
    and shout
    shut up
    thumping my fists on my knees

    everyone is eyeing me

    I hear the lady next to me
    going tsk tsk
    like I’m the problem

    it was all I could do
    not to whip around in my seat
    and whack her

    yikes I thought
    enough is enough

    so I hopped to my feet
    zipped my coat
    grabbed him by the hand
    and zoomed us out of there
    into the car
    slamming the driver’s door
    and vrooooom

    sped us home

    never again I snorted
    never again will I take you
    little brother
    to the movies

    he just whipped on his iPod
    began humming to his tunes
    and ZAP…

    flipped me off

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    photo from: Getty Images

    Boxes – Contemplation in 3 Parts

    In response to the Ist prompt on the newly opened We Write Poems, I contemplate boxes


    Contemplation #1


    my memories gather and squabble
    like crows in fallow fields
    they pick clean
    the bones of my recall

    bones against the cruel clay
    of an arid barren mind

    bones spilled from soul boxes
    in which I’d desperately collected
    the scarred and damaged pieces
    of my broken dreams

    dreams now parched and withered
    dried brittle in the coarse winds
    of my dire confusion

    their promises scratched and raspy
    slowly slipping unintelligible
    into the chaos and cacophony
    of the crows in fallow fields

    • • •

    Contemplation #2



    wonder’s trapped within
    a box within more boxes
    so deeply buried
    by the years of failed dreams
    you must not lose your wonder

    • • •

    Contemplation #3



    love is sealed within
    a box locked inside your heart
    lost in the rubble
    of years of broken promise
    you can find it if you look

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    NaPoWriMo #27

    This is my twenty-seventh post for National Poetry Month 2010
    • one acrostic
    • one tanka


    • inspired by Carolee Sherwood ‘s day 27 prompt at read write poem to write an acrostic





    Even in chaos nature finds balance.

    Violent floods beget fertile fields.

    One thing ends, another begins.

    Life is a cycle of birth and death.

    Untamed wildfire creates forest ash.

    The ashen remains nurture growth again.

    In the caterpillar lives the butterfly.

    One thing ends, another begins.

    Now and forever, the mandella spins.

    • • •




    Stone Fox First


    garage sound check great

    groupies at the ludlow door

    allmans soon to start

    damned duane is still m-i-a

    we stone fox boys are ready

    • • •

    • acrostic and tanka by: rob kistner © 2010


    …check out who’s gettin’ acrostic at readwritepoem

    NaPoWriMo #24 – In Vain / Daddy’s Girl

    This is my twenty-fourth post for National Poetry Month 2010
    • one free verse poem
    • one tanka


    • This poem that follows is inspired by Marie Gauthier’s NaPoWriMo day 23 prompt at readwritepoem to find and use a colloquial phrase — and by the current frustration I am feeling trying to deliver on my promise of at least 1 poem a day for 30 days. This day I am blank – my muse is being quite difficult. So for inspiration I looked to a poem I’d written 3 years back about just such a situation of writer’s block. I wrote this new poem from those 3-year-old bones, sparked additionally by Robert Lee Brewer’s NaPoWriMo day 23 prompt at Poetic Asides: exhaustion.



    In Vain


    the virginal glare
    of the backlit void
    taunts me

    the tiny pulsing cursor
    throbs like a migraine
    in the blank white field


    no burden of remorse
    no weight of mystery
    does it bear

    no sting of anger
    no wink of mirth
    to reflect

    nothing sensual
    or sensitive
    to share

    no coin of phrase to save

    just empty screen
    tormenting nothingness
    30 in 30
    pressing down

    dissonance spills through my open window

    the scatter of rain
    stir of wind
    rustle of wet leaves

    muffled keens
    bursts of barks
    distant yelps

    the edgy din
    of dripping
    april night
    intrudes in damp insistence
    to fill my head
    and leave not one small space
    for wit
    or insight

    all in vain

    there is no spark

    in this soggy midnight
    left high and dry
    no muse in sight
    only exhaustion

    nothing clever
    or profound
    in the air this night



    • • •




    Daddy’s Girl


    shy knock at front door

    lovely daughter descends stairs

    who is this brash boy

    shake his hand or run him off

    daddy’s decision is tough

    • • •

    • poem and tanka by: rob kistner © 2010


    …see what other coin of phrase you might find at readwritepoem

    NaPoWriMo #20 – Heroes

    This is my twentieth post for National Poetry Month 2010
    • two free verse poem
    • one tanka


    • inspired by Jessica GC’s prompt at read write poem



    Reality At 30,000


    (a hero returns)


    like a voice in a canyon
    I hear her calling in my mind
    my name
    rolling sweet as nectar
    from lips soft as orchid petals
    full as a bursting peach
    glistening deep coral
    as they wrapped softly
    ‘round each pouted syllable
    when she bid me tender farewell
    so long ago

    our fingertips had strained to grasp
    until the final sensation of warmth
    of touch
    had faded
    and they had drifted apart

    I had struggled to tear my eyes
    from her tears
    that glistened on her lashes
    and around her swollen crystal blue eyes
    to slip softly over the crests
    of her velvet cheeks
    then down the contour of her face
    flushed as sunset
    to lightly salt her quivering lips

    and as I passed
    numb and dazed
    through the tunnel of the loading gate
    toward the jet
    that took me to hell
    I had at that moment
    locked the image
    of that sorrowed face of love
    deep in my heart

    It had proved my salvation
    my only grasp on sanity
    in those horrific years
    over there

    my lips too had quivered on that day
    with the sting of separation
    and the chilling knowledge
    I would soon taste the bitter blood of war
    foul with the stench of death

    having not yet departed
    I had already longed to gaze again
    into her brilliant blue eyes
    and taste her sweetness


    as I return this day
    trying to face reality
    from 30,000 feet
    I taste the salt of sadness

    for I fear
    a kiss from me
    with my killer’s mouth
    will forever defile the fragile innocence
    of those luscious lips
    soft as orchid petals
    full as a bursting peach
    that glistened
    and quivered
    when last we parted

    • • •






    tears on flushed pale cheeks

    warm held hand grows cool and still

    she has left this earth

    my love is now eternal

    how do I face tomorrow

    • • •



    …here is a bonus “whimsical” poem written in response to the day 19 prompt at poetic aside


    Phineas & Phlo


    phineas morton is not a happy guy
    that’s not to say he’s sad
    he just decided long ago
    not to live life on the extremes
    so he would describe himself as
    as centered
    phineas morton is a centered guy

    he lives in the abandoned hull
    of a short
    school bus
    left there by his parents
    when he was 12
    as they went off to find
    to find happiness

    this situation may also account
    for his less than enthusiastic embrace
    of the whole concept of
    of happiness

    phineas dreams of
    doing something
    something interesting
    shunning the extreme nature
    of great
    he is not really interested
    in doing something
    interesting will do just fine

    he has a girlfriend
    sort of a girlfriend
    more like a
    like a girl acquaintance
    that sounds less “on the edge”
    which suits his centeredness
    just fine

    her name is flo
    though she has come to spell it
    as an expression
    of her affinity for phineas
    you know
    phineas and phlo
    the whole ph
    sounds like f
    you know f
    fuh f fuh

    phineas wants everyone to know
    that while he waits for his
    interesting life to begin
    he can be found
    out by ole’ doc patterson’s pond
    in his shell of a bus

    you’re more than welcome to come by
    if you do
    don’t be too happy
    if you know what I mean
    doesn’t sit well with the lad

    so if you come by
    bring some jelly beans
    red jelly beans
    just because

    and a tip from me
    if you do drop in on phineas
    don’t be clever
    you know
    don’t make any wisecracks about
    no “short bus” remarks


    • • •

    • poems and tanka by: rob kistner © 2010


    …check out the other heroes at readwritepoem