



how impertinent
moth and junebug

what’s with all this buzzing chatter
you’re bump and thump and all a’clatter
worrying with the frontporch light
steaming on this august night
such racket over a minor matter

while here below you
my heart breaks in silence

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

• linked at Magpie Tales and OSI

24 thoughts on “Junebug”

    1. Thank you Tess, I really like Hopper’s work! I have a litho of “Nighthawks” that I love — it reminds me of the all night diners my bandmates and I would find years ago when we were giggin’ on the road…

  1. It’s probably not surprising that at least two of us saw a moth in that light! But our two reads are very different, nonetheless. That is one of the great joys of these Magpie prompts, how they bring forth synchronicity at times, but always uniqueness.

    Your Magpie is truly beautiful, and I have always loved the word “junebug.”

  2. Not only do you evoke perfect
    pitch, with strong connectives
    to the Hopper painting, but I love
    how you bitch slap the verse,
    giving it a rhyme scheme that
    keeps us off balance;
    a, b, c, c, d, d, c, then e, f;
    free, unfettered, yet able to
    draw the lines, the ideas into
    the moth’s wing undulations
    and the heart’s arrhythmia.

  3. So much insect activitty and then the drop into a broken heart. I really like this poem, Rob. I wrote about cicadas this week– must be a bug in the air!

  4. Lovely to ‘see’ you, Rob – it’s been an age. And I love the poem. and the picture. Hopper’s been a favourite of mine since childhood, he’s such a human, un-arty-farty kind of painter. I do like rhyme, and recently have found myself writing more of it, but my taste is for half-rhymes, slant-rhymes scattered about a poem where they feel right. Your poems are like that.

  5. That last line just slaps you in the face, doesn’t it? well done. Nice juxtaposition of images and feelings. I like surprises like this.

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