Hedone’s Daughter

  • WARNING! For adult readers only!



    Hedone’s Daughter


    radiant vision silken skinned
    translucent alabaster blaze
    torrid as a teen’s temptation
    leaned low
    here before me

    straplened ankles fragile turned
    stiletto’d rise
    on carpet soft
    emblazened vixen
    forward bent
    availed so boldly
    flush with craving

    graceful face
    brazen aglow
    comely raised and tilted back
    my fingers tangled in your hair
    lifting firm
    yet luscious slow

    swept away in lustful swoon
    forearms rest on velvet sheets
    eyes aflame in sapphire need
    blatant in your fetched seduction

    Hedone’s daughter lush with Spring
    in golden light
    that folds upon you soft as satin
    ‘cross nape of neck
    arched silk desire

    down glistening back
    that tempting tapers
    to the tender
    warm and sultry
    wonderland for fingertips
    to touch
    and tease
    and tantalize

    to explore
    your quivering body
    divinely-pleasing sculpted vessel
    brought forth by Aphrodite’s hand

    virgin fruit swells full and ripe
    flesh silhouette to hypnotize
    enticing in the candle’s flicker
    fondled by my hungry eyes

    they stroke and tweak
    the blossomed berries
    that burst
    engorged with passion’s heat

    that taunt my tongue to twirl ’round
    my teeth to nip in playful tug
    draw to my lips
    now lewdly moist
    to take
    and taste in eager suckle

    willful hands
    of pleasured probing
    wrap slender waist
    then slowly slide
    ‘cross pleading hips
    of sensuous rise
    to fall into erotic folds
    molded from the charms of Venus

    ’round dual swells of burning myth
    that writhe
    atop two lathen’d stems
    long and lithe
    as liquid love
    turned by pleasure’s gloried angels
    tempered in a sacred fire

    stretched taut
    raised high on tips of toes
    and goddess buff

    enough to make one
    want to stuff
    to thrust and thrust
    in randy lust
    ’til passion’s seed
    has turned to dust

    and wanton
    are snuffed

    spring’s sweet madness
    full rebuffed

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010
    (revision © 2018)


  • candle photo entitled “Lovers” by: Bolshevixen
  • photographer of couple embracing unknown
  • Click to read more dVerse poems of desire

  • 20 thoughts on “Hedone’s Daughter”

    1. This is quite an extraordinary poem, Rob, because of its unequivocal intensity and its imagery, which fires but still leaves open the imagination. The approach to the lustiness and sensuality and sheer physicality is sure and unafraid. Not many could pull off this subject with this much success. And, to imagine this read aloud. . .!

    2. Rob:

      Hedone would be pleased — you honored her in all that she represents — sensual pleasure, enjoyment and sheer delight ….
      a perfect Valentine poem for lovers, actually any time of the year.

      C’est Magnifique


    3. Rob: Enjoyed throughly this extraordinary sensual feast. Stilettos. Hummmm. Ok I’ll splurge. After the TKO there may be a mint upon the pillow. The afterplay? After the olympics who would be so energetic? Love or passion? Are these words interchangeable? You make Anais Nin look boring!

      1. It was a “hot” night of poetry writing this piece. I wanted to go as far as I could without going too far. I was after lust and sexuality, what that “pulsing smoldering” place feels like. But not smut or porn. I am glad this resonated for you Barry…?

      1. Glad it resonated Bjorn… From time to time I find this secreted vault of vivid erotica that is hidden in my psyche… I always find it fun to open the door and step in… 😉

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