That Freefall


…the heart wants what the heart wants…

W e’re in love
with falling in love

it’s the most captivating
human experience

that thrilling
first freefall
of love’s roller coaster

it is pleasure
beyond measure

should the ride end
the heart often rides again

love lures
with the memory
of that freefall

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


46 thoughts on “That Freefall”

    1. I hear ya Bev. 😉 But before I got old and rigid snd stuck in my ways = cynical old curmudgeon — the feeling was effervescent… and I can almost still feel the feels of falling. Because after thinking I had on several occasions in my life — I finally did, and the feeling was quite profound and the memory indelible.

    1. Thank you K. 🙂 The desire to “fall in love” is so compelling and ingrained in our human psyche, that we have created movie after movie, book after book, song after song, poem after poem — even reality show after reality show about or seeking the experience. Do I think we understand or achieve the genuine experience — not the majority of the time. The true freefall into love is rooted in the infatuation, but if there is solid ground, the feeling grows and grows inyo the experience of falling deeply in love — and it is not a quick drop, it’s the long freefall, and that is the most satisfying. But the intense spark is the initial infatuation. That spark is not one to build a life on — but it is a profound experience to completely surrender to the warmth and magnetism

    1. I agree True, as long as we don’t become addicted to just the initial “rush”. If the rush is all one seeks, don’t marry — and definitely don’t procreate.

  1. This is incredible, Rob! I especially agree with the first stanza, and I think it’s one of those openers that sets the tone immediately of the piece: We often fool ourselves as we don’t see clearly when we let our heart, our desires, and infatuation take over. Falling in love with the idea OF love is how people can get into a complicated, messy relationships. I think true love stands the test of time, patience, empathy, and growth.

    1. Thank you Lucy! The “falling” in love can be an addiction that inhibits one from ever achieving authentic enduring love. It is all a slippery slope if we are only interested in the “excitement” of love — which is intoxicating, and potentially misleading.

  2. love lures
    with the memory
    of that freefall

    Falling in love many times with the same person happens every day and every time. One finds happiness in it unwittingly often without realizing its beauty. The memory keeps repeating and reminding! Very true Rob!


    1. That fist time you realize you love this women you become overwhelmed, giddy, 7 ft. Tall, strong as king kong. a world class poet, and a soulful singer of sizzling love songs — and savagely handsome!!

  3. So true, Rob. Your opening is perceptive–I think some people are almost addicted to it–in love with falling in love. That initial rush is free fall/rollercoaster. Some people never get past it.

    1. And like we agree Merril, some get addicted and cannot find happiness in sustaining a marriage. Infatuated with the infatuation. Just look how many bullshit “falling in love” reality shows there are.

  4. As always, you produce such poignant poetry. I love the allusions you’ve pointed out, the crassness perhaps underlying it, but I love that in the end it’s not quite an admonishment – perhaps it’s more reflective than that. Regardless, splendid work, as you usually do.

  5. I absolutely love, love this! “first freefall of love’s roller coaster,” is such an amazing image. Relatable for me as I have had this fall several times 🙂

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