Book Of Days (redux)



Book Of Days


found here in the pages
of the book of days
the neverending story
of fathers and of sons

in the book of days
clearly it is written
the father must move behind
as the child moves beyond

this is as it has been
since all of time began
the child growing stronger
becomes father to the man

and per the book of days
this is the way of nature
as the son becomes the father
the father bows away

yes, in our book of days
as it has been written
my time is growing short
I’ve less and less tomorrow

our space between grows greater
our time together lessens
as you pursue the future
I slip further into the past

yet in this father’s dream
our time would linger further
to soothe the mounting pain
of bittersweet farewell

I pray our book rewritten
to bend both time and space
and decree our time together
stretch beyond that far horizon


rob kistner © 2018

(original version written 2011)

That Velvet

Lost in Azure

Winter’s Window


Winter’s Window


in moonlit forest
midnight’s snowfall shimmers
through the boughs
of old growth

deep and still
as if spread by star clusters

it blankets
our high-mountain meadow
in crystal down

this night
fell quiet and crisp

a great white owl
through frosted cedar

we linger
and listen
entwined ‘neath winter’s window
awaiting the solstice

it approaches

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2018


  • Written for “Imaginary garden with real toads”
    More toads in winter

  • What If (redux)


    What If…


    …I’d held you close
    close enough
    to feel your heart
    beat one with mine.

    wrapped you tight
    in a healing warmth

    kissed away your loss

    whispered my soul
    into your empty spirit

    took your fear
    in loving hands
    hurled it far far
    into yesterday

    stirred the dieing embers
    of trust
    to reignite a flame of faith

    embraced your spark of life

    help you nurture it
    in safe shelter
    ’til vital yet again
    feeling strength surge
    a core power awaken

    so you would not
    extinguish it
    ever again

    what if

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    (revision © 2018)

    To remain

    Oil by: Albert Francis King 1854–1945


    To Remain


    keeps dark at bay
    pressing in
    as night wind stirs

    like mocking breath
    of life now lost
    to light-less realm
    beyond the chill
    encircling me

    I ache
    to feel
    your tender touch
    the warmth

    but naught

    my heart
    and empty
    to remain

    no emotion
    save grief

    apples spilled
    on broken stair
    where rail eluded
    grasping hand

    no voice came
    to futile cry

    those lips
    will not know again
    sweet fruit

    nor love

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2018


  • More touching at dVerse