Deep Azure

This poem is offered in response to prompt #21 at We Write Poems.

Deep Azure


on the boulevard below
last night’s rain puddles
midst the chaos of metro-clutter

as if abandoned by the waters of earth
it shoulders its way through the culverts
in search of mother sea

this day begins golden and crisp

bird songs echo empty sunrise streets

lover and beloved
we sit by the morning window
with tea and curiosity

we talk

for this moment
our souls spill one into the other
until I am distracted

your lips continue sculpting words
but I’ve fallen into your deep azure eyes

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

16 thoughts on “Deep Azure”

    1. Thank you Viv, you are exceedingly generous. I’ve been alive long enough to have had a few relationships. If you surveyed the group you’d probably get a 50/50 split regarding my qualifications as a treasure — the 50% leaning in my favor being those from my later years. Like most men, it took me a number of years (decades) to grow up… 😉


  1. Rob, I’m a former city person. I’ve pondered the treacherous course of urban waters, and it’s not a pretty scenario! Having said that, the two images of spilling are so different and so visual. And Deep Azure Eyes should have been a followup to Brown-Eyed Girl for Van Morrison! A great title, don’t you think? Amy

  2. Amy, I’m pleased you grasped the juxtaposition of the ‘spilling’ images… 😉

    As to Van Morrison, he is one of my favorite “poets who make music”, Joni Mitchell being another, and Dylan, and Gordon Sumner, and… Some of Van’s verse is absolutely breathtaking and spellbinding… that you put me in the same paragraph as Van the Man, even if just to pair the titles, humbles me to the core…

    I get chills when Van starts rolling into one of his ecstatic contemplations — just primo word crafting…


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