
This is a dialogue haiku I am also posting for Poetry Thursday, May 24th.




where is it I go

fall leaf asks on oak’s release

to your destiny


To hear poem read by author, click here

Rob Kistner © 2007

23 thoughts on “Destiny”

  1. giggling over Pauline remark. Seeing you distracted in the middle of your golf swing when whispering becomes these words. . . .

    (you’re right, you do have a resonant, lovely baritone!).


  2. Hi Ren

    Nothing distracts me during my golf swing — save my form and technique! 🙂

    You are kind to compliment my voice — it’s about the only thing that hasn’t left me here in the late autumn of my life.

  3. Chicklegirl

    Thank you — and I am not trying to rush the seasons, though I have always favored Fall.

  4. Tammy

    I appreciate your kindness.

    This haiku was inspired by a phrase from another poem I’d written nine years ago called “Leaves”. The phrase reads,
    “Each unaware of its destination
    upon separation from the limb.”

    “Leaves” was written as both an observation of a moment in Fall, and of my children leaving home to seek their future. This haiku “Destiny” is the abbreviation of those two observations.

  5. Pepek

    Thank you!

    The nature of our destiny is always unknown to us, and ever-changing — until we leave this temporal plain, and perhaps, not even then.

  6. Wendy

    Glad this touched you!

    The future is a great and wonderful mystery. We should just march forth with a sense of wonder.

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