Fragments In Blue

~ comprised of random non-linear fragments of 12 sad songs ~
Conceived as a Spoken Word Performance piece.

Hey blue
there is a song
stabbin’ at my soul
like ink on a tattoo pin

but your heart’s
dusted sapphire
drippin’ tears
caught up
in d’moon drift

like the grey-blu future I see
when I look into the night sky

like a soakin’ wet fever
in my brain
it shows me nothin’
nothin’ but a shade

like drivin’ at night
speedin’ blurred
doing 190
‘round the corners

streetlights streakin’

like a devil
in a tight blue dress

a little guy
livin’ in a blue world

some blues
are just blues

some are jack shit
nothin’ I count
to fall asleep

like the money
the money is nothin’
but I’m hooked
on that touch of zen

know it’s rude
but it’s thick
in my pocket

hear me when I say
the whiskey blues is back
wish you knew it
wish you felt its hammer
but you ain’t no count

look what you put me through
ridin’ the jellyroll line
silver’d fever
‘n a scum-brown bowl
chasin’ that pocket-thick
blue madness

you was my mountain top
thought you was the peak
thought you was everything
the sinew of my salvation

but you — just fragments
pieces of dreams
pieces of bad dreams
nightmare sorrows

riffs off key
in a blu dark night
born to a hard mornin’
noddin’ d’dawn

I think of you
no more

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


34 thoughts on “Fragments In Blue”

  1. I think the blues are such a good fit for the fragment poem – the way modern blues especially jumps across the upper reaches of the chords

    I love the paradoxical ending, like Cohen’s “Chelsea Hotel”.
    Some striking blues lines that I can hear playing:
    “like a soaking wet fever
    in my brain
    it shows me nothin’
    nothin’ but a shade”

    1. Thank you Laura. This was most enjoyable. I found 12 random sad songs, mostly blues, picked in a lottery fashion. I then started grabbing lines in a Russian roulette fashion. I tweaked them minimally, mostly to maintain flow and prevent total disjointment. This is what bubbled to the surface. I did this several times before this particular piece emerged. It spoke to me darkly, I liked it, so I posted it. It was a very cool experience! 🙂

  2. For not thinking of her anymore, he has compiled evidence to the contrary. Great idea for a fragment poem, Rob. The blues are perfect to give us a voice for such sorrow.

  3. Wowww!! This is gorgeously rendered, Rob! 🙂 I especially love and resonate with;

    “look what you put me through
    ridin’ the jellyroll line
    silver’d fever
    ‘n a scum-brown bowl
    chasin’ that pocket-thick
    blue madness.”

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