The Gig


…a musician’s tale told in multi-era players’ lingo…


The Gig


man we was cookin’
we maxed the zone
the gig
was flamin’ righteous

I was on my chops
hammered primo riffs
my fender
was really smokin’

our upright dude
laid down cool bottom
his big axe
thumped with thunder

the scene was jake
we was jammin’ smooth
our stick man
rocked his traps

we kicked our tunes
brought down the house
the night
was true far out

the leg were fox
freak, we were stoked
to my pad
we all were trukin’

but first château blanc
to down some slyders
sweet midnight
belly bombs

next the pony keg
to cop some kingers
to set
a mellow buzz

then down the rabbit hole
full blown away
to wrap
this trip pure golden

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…following is the English interpretation

The Performance

we were playing quite good
one of our best performances ever

I personally was playing my guitar exceptionally well
technically and creatively

our bass guitar player was playing deep and strong

everybody present was having a great time
our drummer was playing his very best

every song sounded very good
the crowd reacted with tremendous applause

the women in attendance were beautiful
we all were able to secure dates and were going to my house

but first we went to White Castleâ„¢ restaurant
(a hamburger chain found throughout Midwestern USA)
for some hamburgers

then we stopped at a convenience store
to purchase some Schoenling Little Kings Cream Ale
(beer that comes in short 7oz. green bottles)

and had a wildly exciting party
that lasted until sunrise


• • •

…poem inspired by read write poem #61, found at “readwritepoem”