That Lovin’ Feelin’ Lost

Righteous Brothers — Bill Medley & Bobby Hatfield
Was in a Righteous Brothers cover duo as You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ hit #1.


b’day 2/18/47

Spent my 18th birthday
at Newport KY’s Flamingo Club
playin’ blue-eye’d soul
into the early mornin’

final set over at 4:00 am
we smuggled single malt
into the all night grill
for the crusty sunrise special

bliss’d out from giggin’
bleary-eyed and blasted
we’re mixin’ with fellow players
from other early AM clubs

among willing groupies
and loud hangers on
all sittin’ and chattin’
a family of the night

steel-heart working girls
soul-bruised painted strippers
burnt drink slingers
and tired cocktail mules

hipsters grifters drifters
and slick gamblers
from behind the sealed doors
of those private upstairs rooms

swell perfumed boys
and sisters of the leather
queens and trannies
pimps pushers and the cops

we’re huddled and hidin’
from those cruel first rays
ready to scurry off
to our well-curtained rooms

it’s time to score
whatever gets us through
‘till sundown next
strikes up the band again

but right now the jukebox
volume up to the ceilin’
is blastin’ out the #1
You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’

many noddin’ — YES

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


18 thoughts on “That Lovin’ Feelin’ Lost”

  1. Absolutely adore what you’ve written here for this prompt. You’ve put me in the scene….the language, the imagery….the song! Just a great response to the prompt!

  2. Rob, I love the world you wove here. I remember reading the original version of your poem awhile back and love how you’ve tweaked it. “A family of the night” is a perfect term for it. You were living the dream of so many.

    1. Thank you Sanaa… 🙂 …that photo was taken in 1963, when Dave and I first formed the Brothers Royal. They were part of our promo “head shot” package. I was 16-years-old – 58 years ago! Wow!

  3. Wow … such an adventurous life you must have had. Maybe there were many who didn’t make it thoush

    1. It’s funny Bjorn, while those years unfurled, to me I was just having fun, albeit a very wild time making music, traveling, meeting people — the potential dangers never registered as a danger or deterrent for me… but yes it was crazy. I lost a number of friends during those years. Lost them to Viet Nam, to drugs, to aids, to the dark under-thread of “the life” of a road musician, always targeted by the red necks in those days (60’s & 70’s) for our “long hippie hair, and “weird hippie cloths” — though I personally played it safe and cool as I could, opting when able, for mind, logic, and my authoritative voice over fists. But I knew how the hell to fight to win — if necessary. My memory of those years are full of creative joy, very uniquen friends, and wonderful adventures!

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