Beseeching the Stars

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Beseeching the Stars” by: rob kistner © 4/8/24


W hat do you mean”, Gwen implores, the strain obvious in her weary voice, “who has taken Derek — and why?” The thought overwhelms her. She feels the grip of exhausting panic.

Turning from Zack, she walks to the moonlit window, listening to the waves crash far below. Deflated, she stares resigned. Pinprick flickers sparkle the night sky. “What does it matter? That the stars we see are already dead is a given. I pray not so for Derek.”

Trying to understand the events that brought her to this place in time, her head is spinning. She feels fatigue deep in her bones.

“Too many mysteries to unravel right now,” mumbling to herself, “better in the morning.” Her left arm drops, right hand squeezes the mysterious note that has triggered her distress. She stumbles across the room, collapses on her bed, and begins to quietly cry.

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Tears In Moonlight”
by: rob kistner © 4/8/24

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


16 thoughts on “Beseeching the Stars”

  1. I love “pinprick flickers”, very descriptive. I do hope Derek is okay, such a worry when someone goes missing and you don’t know what’s happened.

  2. I like the way you jumped straight into the mystery, Rob, and the immediate tension of Gwen feeling ‘the grip of exhausting panic’. I also enjoyed the descriptive pinprick flickers sparkling the night sky. Where is Derek?

  3. What a dark tale you start here, I feel the loss, but long for a resolution… what really happened to Derek? Kidnapped?

  4. A wonderfully deep mystery, Rob, that peaks my interest in the cause of Derek’s disappearance! Have space aliens transported him off? What did the note say? How far in time did they travel? Will he be returned to poor grieving Gwen? Such a creative use of the prompt, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

  5. We need a challenge that goes something like “”” what in the hell happened to derek? “”””
    I enjoyed this, Rob.

    1. Ha..ha..ha..ha 😉 …that would be fun Helen… …was he kidnapped, taken by aliens, lost in the forest, or just ran away… 🙂 ¯\_(ö)_/¯ Not certain everyone is free spirited enough to want to embrace such a challenge though, my friend — who knows?

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