30 thoughts on “Unamused”

  1. Ah Rob….glad to see this post that is indeed a quadrille with the word “spoil”.
    Love these words “skull upon the finger bones” — they are such an apt description of the poet, waiting for the muse. Sometimes the muse hits and runs ideas and words through one’s head and the pen cannot keep up with the creativity! And other moments….it’s like this!

  2. I can identify with those eyes aflame with spoiled sleep, Rob, and love the lines:
    ‘skull upon the finger bones
    in weighted indecision’.
    So glad the muse helped you shed fresh ink after all. 🙂

  3. A giant message in a pool of brevity. You hooked me with that last line. Sound like insomnia is a house guest for you; bummer. Ill health and stress and depression leads the way to such nastiness; had a bout that lasted a month this year, but got meds and whipped it (7 years for you–wow?). Got behind the wheel for the first time since January; using a 4-wheel walker habitually–2 bum knees and lousy balance.

    1. As I commented to Lillian, it’s part of my life now Glenn. I take so damned many meds for heart failure, HBP, diabetese, depression, and neuropathy that my sleep patterns are fucked. The pacemaker from last year makes laying on my left side uncomfortable, and that was my sleeping side. I get exhausted after 4-5 days, then crash for 12+ hours. Ambian doesn’t do shit for me, but I get a lot of writing done… 😉

    1. An unfortunate commonality for writers Ken. I create 3D mixed media art which flows effortlessly, so when writer’s frustration peaks, I turn to my art for release.

    1. Sometimes the words flow, sometimes it like pulling clay through a soda straw… as I ease into my 70’s now Jane, I have this unreasonable, though chilling fear that perhaps one day the words, the inspiration will be gone – so I write more and more. I have over 400 poems in draft stage. I am driven to pursue every new idea thst pops into my head, to the point I am not finishing work. Oh well, gives me something to work on if my muse ever abandons me permanently…

    1. Bjorn, thank you. As I commented to Jane, as I journey through my 70’s, and even having written lyrics/poetry since I was 16 – I have this paranoia that the inspirstion may someday disappear.

  4. This is the blessing and curse of prompts. If they don’t inspire me or for personal reasons, I find them moderately distasteful ( like the word “spoil”). I just can’t get past the obvious and trite to “fresh ink.” I like very much how your whole poem is surrounded by a miasma of frustration and determination. Stubborn grit is a must if we intend to court the muse.

  5. It is a profitable exercise to write about not writing. But this is so much more than an excercise, it is a little immersion into this corner. With ya on this one Rob. I love the imagery of killing ink.

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