Awakening Song



Awakening Song


silver moon in black satin sky
bare your sterling soul on high
shimmer ‘cross this sleeping world
enchantment be this night unfurled
’til all dreams are dreamed tonight
’til pure hearts are lifted light
then new hope awaken strong
let peace be awakening’s song

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below for more quadrilles at dVerse…
    Quadrille #112: The Sky’s the Limit (in 44 words)

  • 54 thoughts on “Awakening Song”

      1. I believe we all need healing Bjorn, mental, emotional, physical — we are all stressed, some beyond tolerance. I firmly believe I am ill right now directly the result of the stress and depression that I have been dealing with. So I say to hell with that — give me some healing sleep, some peace of mind!
        BTW: I really enjoyed the “live” OMN… MORE, MORE, MORE! 😉

      1. I strongly believe there is indeed still healing magic in this world Lisa! We simply need to call upon it with open hearts. And more importantly — respond effectively to its answer. 🙂

      1. Thank you Merril! My spirit is so tired if feeling heavy. I embraced De’s superb, inspired suggestion to look up to the sky, and this one floated up out of my heart — and it felt light as a feather.

      1. Thank you Kim! 🙂 I am always dancing on the edge of depression, fighting failing health, easily drawn to the half-empty glass. This piece I wrote is some spiritual due diligence for myself. It is my personal “now I lay me down to sleep” — because my big sleep is not that far off. I want to get my mind and spirit aloft before I go. Pleased to share it, and to know it is resonated for others.

    1. Nothing left to do but echo each and every praiseful comment posted thus far, Rob. Plaintive but positive song, prayed out in polished, poetic verse, obviously penned by a master.

      Well done!

    2. I love the power in this, Rob, and then to hear that you are making your own medicine, healing the painful fractal in front of you with this lullaprayer–(no, “awakening song” is much better)–is such an empowering step to model for the hurting world. Kudos to your strength and your flowing pen. Gorgeous words and imagery besides the urgent “be here now” message.

      1. Thank you Grace! Humankind is very much on edge, we need so much to create a clearing of peace. I am an old hippie who believed peace in this world, and changing it to a better place for all, was not only possible but should be the primary focus. This world needs balance so badly.

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