Sea of Slumber


Exhaustion hangs so heavy
like an achor ‘round my neck
I cannot stand nor straighten
pinned ‘neath enervation’s wreck

no way to lift nor shift this anvil
by which I’m dragged and bound
no energy remains
to tug’n lug this heft around

weary from this strain
of keeping eyelids full at mast
I’ll sink into the sea of slumber
falling falling fast

into the deepest realm of Somnus
my fears and worries drown
dropping into depths of dreams
drifting fathoms fathoms down

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


38 thoughts on “Sea of Slumber”

  1. Starting with this exhaustion that robs you of all vitality and getting to the end where you are falling, drifting, to the bottom as if aided by that anchor mentioned at the onset with exhaustion — down into a sea of slumber that drowns fears and worries. By golly, yes. I’m sure this is exactly how the finished work of the lovely prompt should sound. Conceit! Rob, amazing work, indeed.
    Every word well placed. Thanks for giving me this aha moment. Exquisite!

  2. Tiredness and its supporting bad guys are so well crafted in metaphor and imagery. And i luv your offering of music videos. Of course the Stirling is my favourite

    Much love…

  3. Rob, I tried to leave two comments on your BEAUTIFUL second poem at earthweal, but they both disappeared. Please check your spam folder………I really felt the grief in that poem, so beautifully written.

  4. I can feel the weight and the tiredness. I have been carrying a heavy load lately. The night brings respite as I drift into another
    realm where I am weightless drifting in and out of space and time. It feels freeing in some strange way.

    Wishing you rest and peace…

    1. Thank you True. I used to sell them art juried art shows, but since COVID, I have not done an art show for 2 years. I am not able to create any more Totems because of the arthritis in my hands. Now I am uncertain with my overall health if I will ever do another show?

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