
A Poe-inspired Tanka in response to Laura Bloomsbury’s April 16th dVerse prompt.




sad and she-bird frail
at his grave this owl-light night
her heart moon-blown cold
she’s quiver-lipped and cry-eyed
soul-skewered and dark-voweled broken

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for more compound words at dVerse:
    Poetics: love the words

    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 16

    24 thoughts on “Soul-Skewered”

    1. Rendered it down to a taunt tanka; kudos, brother. Your comment on my site made me chuckle. I think we are the presidents of each other’s fan club. I often consider such brevity
      as prompt response, but after the first line, like mushrooms on a Fall morning, more lines pop up to dot the page.

      1. Glad you liked this. The economy of this piece was birthed by initial writers block regarding Laura’s prompt. I had a bunch of disjointed scraps of a poem, so I left it and walked away. Came back this morning, threw away the superfluous, and this nest lttle tanka remained standing. Your work keeps getting better over the years, so yes – I’m a fan. Like you, my garden of thoughts usually grows thick and full – but sometimes I enjoy being minimal. I steer clear of mushrooms these days, still enjoying the flashbacks from decades ago… 😉

      1. Like I commented to Glenn, the Tanka sprang to life after I had gotten deep into incongruous bits of poetic attempts at Laura’s prompt. Glad you like it Björn! It felt right, and thank you… 🙂

    2. This is good, from your title to your comment that included, ” I shot-gunned Thomasesque compound words around,” Looking at the photo and reading, it was like you were there in graveyard with her, watching.

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