These People


These People


these people

that begrudge me my juicy burgers
or my rare filet mignon

that look down their nose
at my slathered baby backs

or sneer with disdain
as I tear into a buttery veal chop

these people

their cutting condemnation
because I’m devouring
a cut of impeccably seasoned loin
like it’s some violation of nature

think about it

if this were’t the natural way
there wouldn’t be A1 sauce

and you’re going to tell me
Mr. Weber had zucchini on his mind
when he created the kettle grill


if the 4-legged critters
had the gumption to organize
and effectively resist
their inevitable transformation
into steaks and chops

or even act mildly indignant
regarding their situation

I might think differently

but they simply
go with the flow

quite content
to fatten up
on the free grub

and loll about all day
in the free accommodations

and as I savor
their perfectly turned succulence
I’m damned grateful for their indifference

these people

let them eat soup


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2012

  • Incidentally, my lovely wife is a vegetarian, and loves soup…

  • 26 thoughts on “These People”

    1. Well-done, Rob. Dark humor is an apt description. I’ve become an ingredient-checker. Given the amount of salt in most cans of soup, protein might be the better choice.

    2. as a reformed vegetarian, you made me smile. of course, i have to say to each his own, but too often, whichever side of the fence you fall on is judged by those on the other side.

      i have to agree with claudia, grilled vegetables rule….

    3. Oh, Rob, I used to work with an environmental activist group. They looked down their noses at me when I brought a piece of roast beef curled around swiss (horseradish in the middle, I call it a Meat Cigar!). They were all vegan, which is fine by me, but spare me the sermons. I didn’t try to convert them to Jesus, you know?

      I went outside on my break and they were ALL SMOKING. I felt like saying, “Thanks for sharing your dioxin with me. At least I didn’t shove roast beef down your throats!”

      I used to be a vegetarian. Every path is fine to me, but your rant is EXACTLY what I wanted to say at the time!! Fab! Amy

    4. Bring on the beef wellington, the prime rib, the pork roast .. bring me ALL of it .. let me wash it down with red wine ~ all in moderation of course.

      Love this dark humor, Rob.

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