


turning to leave
she covers the distance
to the door
in a few sorrowful strides

she looks back
finds my gaze
as if to speak

nothing is said

she lowers her eyes
turns her head
steps outside

and is gone

rob kistner © 2007

26 thoughts on “Adieu”

  1. Constance

    Yes, very true… and sometimes there’s simply nothing that can be said. 🙁

    Thank you for your kind words! 😉

  2. I love how economical this poem is–nothing is wasted. Very appropriate for Poetry Thursday,

    (Also, your Sunday Scribblings comment on my blog made my day. Thanks!)

  3. thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Rob. your poetry is lovely; i especially liked the Night Breeze. I was just thinking the other night as the fan blew across my face of how wonderful that feeling is and you did such a beautiful job of capturing the very essence of it.

  4. January

    Thank you for your kind words! 😉

    I enjoy visiting your blog!  Glad I embellish your day…

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