By Bliss


By Bliss


there is a quiet golden
in this evening as it settles
unequaled in its beauty
by even that of precious metals

it embraces vesper’s waning hour
with a subtle gentle heat
lays down upon the eager land
like the roll of amber wheat

it dances in the silken air
strokes your hair aglow in smolders
folds its warmth upon your face
fondles fiery ’round your shoulders

it ignites a special magic
as though dreams are coming true
paints the world in sensual splendor
almost beautiful as you

like a goddess of the sun
in this moment you catch fire
my frail heart a helpless tinder
now sparked by love’s desire

caught by beauty’s reaching flame
I’m filled with passion’s yearning
my captive soul is set ablaze
please don’t leave me burning

before I am but all consumed
quench me with your precious kiss
for if I am to be consumed
I pray it be by bliss

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2013
(revised 2018)

  • Click to read more dVerse poems of desire

  • 41 thoughts on “By Bliss”

    1. A sensuous focus on the body of one loved. Great add to Poets United’s Verse First. Hope you visit all the others and comment on their work as well. The community is a terrific support!

    2. Wow. This is breathtaking. You took the prompt of desire and made it so much more. There’s such an aching longing throughout your poem, and the romance really sweetens it all the more.

    3. Oh yes, you have fanned the embers and let words bubble up into sweet romantic images; good on you. You’ve painted a picture of a golden-tressed lover bathed in golden light; I really dug it,

    4. these lines got it for me: “it ignites a special magic
      as though dreams are coming true
      paints the world in sensual splendor” your poem is very tender but very titillating as well with the images and touches

    5. Such a bliss filled poem to read tonight. I specially like this part:

      it ignites a special magic
      as though dreams are coming true
      paints the world in sensual splendor
      almost beautiful as you

    6. Ah, the waves and ripples of desire and sensual burning in it are so palpable and familiar — the gentle burning, the glow, the smoldering heat, all make for such a romantic experience. And the need and want for that kiss is expressive and evocative. Beautiful! 🙂

    7. A sensual poem that moves slowly and steadily towards its climax. I love how the ‘quiet golden’ glows through each stanza and especially love the lines:
      ‘it embraces vesper’s waning hour
      with a subtle gentle heat
      lays down upon the eager land
      like the roll of amber wheat’
      ‘like a goddess of the sun
      in this moment you catch fire
      my frail heart a helpless tinder
      now sparked by love’s desire’.

    8. Love this especially; “it ignites a special magic as though dreams are coming true paints the world in sensual splendor almost beautiful as you.”?? Beautifully done, Rob 🙂

      1. I am glad those lines worked for you Laura, because I wanted to portray a sensuous evening, in a environment, in which was this sensuous woman, all causing me to swoon… the piece was inspired by my wife… 🙂

      1. Glad you like it Jim, thank you. Keats, Shelley, wow… I feel my head swell a bit… 🙂 It was inspired by my besutiful wife. I was going for a classic feel to the piece, while keeping it readable to the modern eye. I sm 71 and I have always had an old soul, so maybe I’m channeling a lesser Romantic poet with this one?n 😉

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