Being Now

NaPoMo poem #25

This is the twenty fifth of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This was inspired by a prompt at read write poem to write a “how to” about something difficult to do.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.


Being Now


step gently through the dream-gate

take hold the strand continuum

ride the light that carries you

to the is, was, the will be

transcendence moment

when the all is one

in the perfection

of pure being

here now



• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem


10 thoughts on “Being Now”

  1. i’m ocd enough to be disturbed by the lack of shape in a poem. this is the opposite of that. and it finishes on a symbol. spot on!

  2. Pam –

    What is most interesting to me is, the shape began to form before I realized it – so I added the final two lines and the infinity symbol, to fully resolve the shape.


  3. Andy –

    The actual realization of being purely in the now, holding fast to that moment as a singular experience, no distractions of other thoughts or the background static of life or surroundings — is nearly impossible for us humans… so a pristine moment of clarity like that approaches the incredible.


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