Flying Backwards


H ey look
look up here
I’m flying backwards

and upside down

soaring over the earth
over your cars
over your blurred human haste

look how fast I am
and invisible

I see you
though you can’t see

wonder where you’re going
going in your big hurry



are you running away

I wonder
what are you thinking

how many of you are sad
how many happy
how many mad

how many of you
are frightened

and hurting
how many of you are hurting

how many scared
broken hearts
am I racing above
right now
on your road
to nowhere

if you were fast as me
flying here upside down
and backwards
you could outrun
those broken hearts
those hurtful words
the mindless abuse
your fear

you could do it too
I bet you could
right now

I bet you could
just like I am
if you were fast
and invisible
like me

like I am

rob kistner © 2021

See other responses to this photo: Mindlovemisery


4 thoughts on “Flying Backwards”

    1. Thank you Jenna. Just some thoughts that popped into my head, imagining what the woman on the overpass was seeing, and maybe thinking, from her perspective.

  1. those broken hearts
    those hurtful words
    the mindless abuse
    your fear

    There is so much to be aware of and to run from but unfortunately, there is nowhere to go. The situation across the globe is akin to a runaway train flying fast with the drivers helpless. Yes, Rob, The situation is open-ended!


    1. Some of the drivers are hopefully just asleep Hank. Perhaps with enough racket from those who are “woke”, they can be awaken as well. Hopefully it is not too late to prevent total derailment.

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