Words of the Wizard

…I wrote this in response to prompt #6 at Writer’s Island, the prompt is “Unforgettable”

“The Wizard of Westwood”
John Wooden 1910-2010

Words of the Wizard


John Wooden has,
on this 4th day of June,
in the year 2010
left this mortal realm
after 99 years
of untiring service
impeccable wisdom
and great love

a man of balance
and spiritual depth
such as John
comes so seldom
it must be seriously considered
that this world
has lost
one of its special angels

and that the warmth
and the stability
of humankind
may in fact
suffer consequence

I shed not a tear
for John
he needs no pity
it is for the rest of us
that I heartily cry

the following
are the immortal words
of a great and profoundly humble man

gather close
and hear


a mentor is someone
who can give correction
without causing resentment

ability is a poor man’s wealth

adversity is the state
in which man
most easily becomes
acquainted with himself
being especially free of admirers then

be more concerned
with your character
than your reputation
because your character
is what you really are
while your reputation
is merely what others
think you are

be prepared
and be honest

it is amazing
how much can be accomplished
if no one cares
who gets the credit

although there is no progress
without change
not all change is progress

consider the rights of others
before your own feelings
and the feelings of others
before your own rights

do not let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do

don’t measure yourself
by what you have accomplished
but by what you should have accomplished
with your ability

failure is not fatal
but failure to change
might be

ability may get you to the top
but it takes character
to keep you there

if you want to be heard

never make excuses
your friends don’t need them
and your foes won’t believe them

failing to plan
is planning to fail

if you don’t have time
to do it right
when will you have time
to do it over

there is nothing stronger
than gentleness

the true test
of a man’s character
is what he does
when no one is watching

if you’re not making mistakes
then you’re not doing anything
I’m positive that a doer
makes mistakes

it isn’t what you do
but how you do it

it’s not so important
who starts the game
but who finishes it

don’t let yesterday
take up too much of today
make every day
your masterpiece

it’s the little details
that are vital
little things
make big things happen

it’s what you learn
after you know it all
that counts

players with fight
never lose a game
they just run out of time

material possessions
winning scores
and great reputations
are meaningless
in the eyes of the lord
because he knows
what we really are
and that is all that matters

never mistake activity
for achievement

success comes from knowing
that you did your best
to become the best
that you are capable
of becoming

success is never final
failure is never fatal
It’s courage that counts

is peace of mind
which is a direct result
of self-satisfaction
in knowing
you did your best
to become the best
you are capable
of becoming

talent is god given
be humble
fame is man-given
be grateful
conceit is self-given
be careful

the main ingredient
of stardom
is the rest of the team

the worst thing
about new books
is that they keep us
from reading the old ones

there are many things
that are essential
to arriving
at true peace of mind
and one of the most important
is faith
which cannot be acquired
without prayer

things turn out best
for the people
who make the best
of the way things turn out

what you are
as a person
is far more important
that what you are
as a basketball player

young people need models
not critics

you can’t let praise
or criticism
get to you
It’s a weakness
to get caught up
in either one

you can’t live
a perfect day
without doing something
for someone
who will never
be able
to repay you

• • •

words by: John Wooden 1910 – 2010
opening by: rob kistner © 2010

• To learn more about John, please click here

20 thoughts on “Words of the Wizard”

  1. Hi ViV – I have a small collection of John’s wonderful words of wisdom that I have assembled over the years. He was a special soul, and he will be missed… 🙁

  2. Jane – John was a life mentor, and that requires great wisdom and a special soul — not many of those come along. I believe, if there are angels, he was one…

    He will be missed… 🙁

  3. nice poem Rob…i will pass your poem on to a friend of mine up here. He went to UCLA in late 60s…had a class with Lew A and of course a huge fan of Bruins and Wooden…..a sad week for me and my two daughters….their mother….my ex wife had a horrible..fatal accident on Monday…she got thrown from a horse and severely cracked her head…everyone is devastated….a great quote of Mr wooden…BE PREPARED AND BE HONEST…is very applicable to my ex wife …she was extremely honest….and I guess a reminder to be prepared for it all…..this really truly did BLIND SIDE all of us an really not prepared…..anyways…great poem Rob and thanks for sharing

    1. Wayne – I am so very sorry to hear this terrible news. You and your daughters are in my thoughts tonight. There is never a way to be prepared for such a thing, I can only hope that the day will come soon when peace and healing finds its way into your, and your daughter’s hearts.

  4. Rob, This is an amazing tribute. To have had the foresight and thoughtfulness to record all of your mentor’s comments and great advice over the years… you are truly blessed to have had John in your life. I spent years in Sta. Monica (including playing the Troubadour backing Rickie Lee Jones before she got signed by Warners, etc.).

    A mentor is a blessing, always, and I try to mentor young singers and teens in general on the “big bad world,” whether it’s Da Biz or talking frankly about what the real world holds in store for them.

    Are you still in LA? I’m traveling cross-country (live near Buffalo) in August to meet up with other fellow performers from the old Great American and Poppy Star. Also seeing my daughter, an amazing artist and drummer, confirmed Californian.

    Let me know via email:

    Would love to meet up.

  5. I’m familiar with a lot of these quotes, but not with the man.
    Years ago I knew someone who always said ‘Show me someone who never made a mistake and I’ll show you someone who never made anything’ – must have come from JW.

  6. Hi Amy –

    John was not a direct personal mentor, he was a mentor in the big picture of life, for anyone who wished to embrace his bounty of wisdom. Being involved year after year in sports during his era — I was one who allowed his insight to touch my life…

    I am on the west coast, but in Oregon, not California. I spent some of the best of my career years in the Bay Area of NorCal, as a member of the George Lucas team. My offices were on Skywalker Ranch — an amazing place, a remarkable time…

    …rob 😉

  7. I’m not a sports fan, and I barely knew John Wooden. But, your eulogy made me want to know him, Rob. I could tell from your words that you greatly admired this man, and I’m sorry for your loss. Well done.

  8. This is a beautiful tribute, Rob. I love your introduction, and bookmarked this page for quick access to some of Wooden’s aphorisms.

    Some of these will be good prompts for quick write journal responses in my classroom.

    Well done, and thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Rob, a fitting poem for such a great man. With your permission, I would like to read your poem to my students next fall. Thank you for acknowledging such an amazing human being, and for sharing with us some of his wisdom.

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