NaPoWriMo #4 – Now / Time To Smile

This is my fourth post for National Poetry Month 2010
• one free verse poem
• one haiku


Nelle Lytle put forth a fascinating and challenging prompt at Read Write Prompt for day #4 of NaPoWriMo. We were to look at things inside out. At first I was perplexed. I kicked a number of ideas around and was hitting the wall, when it struck that inside out is a condition of perspective – a point from which things are viewed. You see one from the other.

I started thinking about situations in which I view one from the other, when it hit me – time! I continually view the “other” aspect of time from where I am… looking at the past or future while being in the present. That’s all it took. My muse (and Ram Dass) carried me from there.

I not only wrote a new poem, I created a new collage. Thanks Nelle! 😉


…collage above entitled “Time” by: rob kistner © 2010…




the future — the past
tomorrow — yesterday
time’s not hard and fast
moments slip away

fretting what we miss
we ponder destiny
yet today is all there is
ever was — will ever be

days not yet arrived
ones that slipped away
not present in our lives
there only is today

can’t change what’s gone astray
or know what is to come
embrace what is this day
stop running to and from

forget the come and gone
all the who what when and how
don’t get lost looking beyond
learn to truly be here – NOW

• • •



Time To Smile


turning clocks forward

evenings last longer now

so too will my smile

• • •

poem and haiku by: rob kistner © 2010

• graphic rendering of smiling clock configured and colorized by: rob kistner


…for more poetic perspectives on NaPoWriMo 2010: readwritepoem

18 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo #4 – Now / Time To Smile

  1. Turning clocks backward
    evenings are shorter now
    so too will my slow

    from inhabitant of topsy turvy
    back to front land

    Your haiku is pretty good for a collagist:)

    Collage is good too (you didn’t whip that one
    up in 10 minutes!)

  2. Stunning collage – if only…
    Crazy thing NOW is – it’s here and gone just like that, yet it lasts forever…
    Our clocks stay the same – evening is an unwanted – short – sauna! 10 min sunset at 6.15ish – pitch black by 7 – 34C overnight last night!

  3. Hi Rob,

    Really like the poem and the collage, though like Rall I can’t believe you just created that! The haiku is fun – but true

  4. so what do i look at –

    collage, poem , haiku

    haiku, collage poem

    or try to get the screen just so that i can see them all at once! lol

  5. Thanks all –

    Rall / Derrick… “Time” the new collage you see above, came from work I had sketched but unfinished, as I have many. Nelle’s prompt pushed me to use the two hours between reading the prompt and publishing the link, to pull the work into a publishable draft — it is still not completely to my satisfaction.

    If you look in my sidebar you will see a link to other collages I have created, and put up online. If you look down in the comments section of that post you will find my brief explanation of how I create my collages.

    Check it out… 😉

  6. Simply live with the present and enjoy every bit of it. Past is over, never brood on it, but reminiscing it we can do so…don’t worry o’re future…it will just come!

    Beautiful poem of reality Rob!

  7. That certainly is the truth: that there is only today. A long line of todays that are woven into the tapestry of time. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Here and now are indeed all we have. But the sum of our experience is what got us here, now. And what we add to that sum will determine where we are in the ext moment. This is why (I think) here and now are so very critical.

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